Please note, the nominations search engine links directly to the registered
charities commission databases of the UK, Republic of Ireland, Channel Islands and Isle
of Man. In addition to a selection of non-registered charities and CICs who
have generated a certain volume of nominations in previous campaigns.
This search engine is simply a tool to help you locate the charity you wish to nominate. No
registration with the Benefact Group is required.
The easiest way to nominate your favourite charity?
Using the registered charity number is the best way to ensure an exact match. This number
can be found on the charity commission website, or the charity’s own website.
Using the registered charity name should also return the correct result or a list of close
matches. Take a look on the charity’s website to check the exact spelling.
If the charity you wish to nominate is either not registered or a CIC and is not appearing
in the search results, please click the ‘registration exempt’ tick-box and manually type in
the name of the charity. Watch our short explainer video for more details.
General advice for registered charities
If you have recently changed your charity’s name or number, please update it with the
relevant Charity Commission. It will be reflected in our nominations search engine during
the next available update.
If you’ve recently updated your information on the Charity Commission website, there might
be a delay in our nominations search engine reflecting these changes. Please rest assured
that it will be reflected in our nominations search engine during the next available update.
In the meantime, we suggest you click the ‘registration exempt’ tick-box and manually type
in the name of the charity and the charity number. Watch our short explainer video for more
General advice for non-registered charities and CICs
Please note, we need to see around 20 nominations for the same charity before we can
manually add non-registered charities or CICs to the search engine. Those meeting this
criteria will be added to the nominations search engine during the next available update.
In the meantime, we suggest you click the ‘registration exempt’ tick-box and manually type
in the name of the charity and the charity number. Watch our short explainer video for more